In most instances, the use of this web site does not require you to provide any personally identifiable information. When personally identifiable information (e.g. your name, address, email address) is requested, the provision of this information is voluntary, wherever possible. No personally identifiable information will be shared with third parties without the user’s express consent.
The server running this website stores the IP address of those that request the website for a limited timespan for the purpose of providing this service and securing the infrastructure.
Information sent over the internet (e.g. email) may not be entirely secure at each and every stage of its transmission. It is impossible to guarantee the total end-to-end security of any information sent over the internet or to ensure that it cannot be accessed by third parties.
We are required by law to publish contact details on our website. We hereby expressly refuse permission to third parties to use this contact data to send advertising and/or other informational materials that have not been explicitly requested. The owners of this web site reserve the right to take any and all available legal measures against senders of unrequested advertising materials, including but not limited to spam emails.